Health Recipes You Cannot Miss

Health Recipes You Cannot Afford to Miss

Drink of Life

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This article ‘Drink of Life’ is one of the most powerful gems published based on my real-life facts, one of those which was life threatening, and evil.

The article also describes below on how I managed to overcome this threat, what organic products came to my rescue and the strict routine I followed that helped me to pull out from getting myself into a serious health risk and falling slave to the big pharma.

I am sure a majority of us in our mid-age, aged 45 to 70, has to pass this stage and most of you will agree to it.

From the total world’s population by far’ only a few of us make it through to our 90’s and it is a fact. It all comes down to everyone’s life style and on how one has built it.

The first symptoms start with blood pressure, our ‘first enemy’ which confuses our mind and body, which causes a total distortion in our life. Then comes the big pharma, which targets and loads us with sophisticated medicinal drugs, while worsening our health condition in the long run and soon followed by diabetes and other health complications, and it finally comes to a stage where you cannot revert back. 


The Story

Here is the story of my journey on how I saved myself, wisely, without any nasty medicinal drugs. However, it took me a lot of courage, a lot of time and a very strict schedule that I followed to overcome this life-threatening disease. I spent most of my precious time in investigating the root cause of my abnormally high blood pressure and a proper cure to it, but I never found the one that would heal me.

I was very unhappy and sad, and I felt very confused. I visited many doctors and had many prescribed medications on my desk; however, all these visits and medications were only a temporary fix.

No one was able to direct me towards the right path, really no one did! 

Unhappy as I was, I tried not to distract my self with all the bad experience I had in the past, but I started thinking ahead deeply, to what could come to my rescue. Finally this idea about the internet which was booming those days was the definite answer. It had a massive e-store of knowledge hidden inside it and I didn't hesitate to take advantage of it.

I started getting more active on the internet trying to gain more knowledge to understand what was wrong inside of my body? I investigated and investigated deeply to find out the root cause of my high blood pressure?

One result that matched my thoughts was directing towards the issue of hardening and thinning of our interior walls of our arteries and veins due to the high intake of calcium present in our blood, the other reason that matched my thoughts was due to unhealthy life style choices and as well can be the root cause for the pressure rise. In fact, there can be other reasons as well, but to my surprise my issue was lying right there.

My high blood pressure’ lasted a while before I found the effective miracle cure. Yours may not be the same, it will always differ, please do a proper investigation and consult your doctors or your GP, and I don’t take any responsibility, as these facts in this article purely applies to me and me only.


The ‘miracle drink’ and its ingredients that played a critical role in normalising my health without the intervention of any medication is continued in the next page (Page 2) below. 

Please click the link to continue reading.

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